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All available problems for grade 7

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Math topic Algebra

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Binomic formula fill in blanks
Fill gaps correctly in binomic formulas
Combine like terms
Combine like terms in a sum term
Combine like terms with negated brackets
Combine like terms in a sum term and expand terms in negated brackets
Examine the elements of binomic formulas
Elements of a binomic formula and their expanded form are grouped in a table. Fill the empty spaces.
Expand and simplify binomic formula
Apply binomic formula expansion rules to simplify term.
Expand and simplify binomic formula, advanced
Apply binomic formula expansion rules to simplify term. Advanced version mit multiples of variables as summands.
Expand and simplify term, combine like terms
Expand a term with sums and products with numbers and variables. Combine like terms to simplify the result.
Extract binomic formula from term
A binomic formula is hidden in a term. Factor out the binomic formular or extract the summand.
Factorisation of terms
Factorise a term with variables
Insert two arithmetic operators
In an equation with three operands, insert two operators.
Match binomic formula to simplified form
Find matching terms of original and simplified binomic formulas in two lists.
Product of two sums term expansion
Expand a product term which has sums with variables as factors.
Product term expansion
Expand product term with variables.
Simplify product term
A product term with number literals and variables as factors has to be simplified.
Simplify term with binomic formula, combine like terms
Simplify a term which contains a binomic formula
Solve linear equation
Solve a linear equation step-by-step by performing equivalent transformations.
Solve linear equation with distributive element
Solve a linear equation step-by-step by performing equivalent transformations.
Specify binomic formula for expanded term
A term is given which is the expanded form of a binomic formula. The original binomic formula has to be found.

Math topic Analysis

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Complete equation for given straight line
In a straight line equation for a given line, gaps must be filled in correctly.
Draw a line for a given line equation
A line equation is given, draw the respective line in a coordinate plane.
Slope to be derived from given slope triangle
The slope shall be derived from a straight line with a gradient triangle in the coordinate system.
Slope triangle to be drawn for a given line
In a coordinate system with a given straight line a slope triangle is to be drawn.
Specify equation to straight line
For a given straight line on a coordinate plane, the corresponding equation must be specified.

Math topic Arithmetic

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Columnar addition of decimal fractions
Columnar addition of multiple decimal fractions.
Compare two fractions and tell which one is larger
Insert the correct relational symbol between two fractions
Continue number sequence add subtract
Find the next numbers in a series
Convert fractions to like fractions
Convert multiple fractions to like quantities
Decimal fraction divide by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction divide by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Decimal fraction division
A decimal fraction has to be divided by another decimal fraction.
Decimal fraction multiply by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction multiply by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a whole number.
Decimal fraction to fraction bar notation
Decimals have to be converted to fraction bar notation.
Decimal fractions multiplication
Two decimals have to be multiplied.
Determine gcd and lcm by comparing multiples & divisors
For two given numbers, the gcd and lcm are determined by comparing lists of multiples or divisors
Direct proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for a direct proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Divide a fraction by a whole number
A fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Divide two fractions
Division of two fractions.
Division of fractions: Fill in the blanks
In a division term of two fractions, blanks have to be filled in.
Double a given number
Double a number with or without decimal places.
Expand fractions by given number
Fractions are to be expanded by a given number
Fraction mult factor has to be filled in
Two fractions are multiplied, one fraction and result given.
Fraction to decimal conversion
A given fraction has to be converted to decimal notation.
Fraction to percentage
A fraction is given, write as a percentage.
Fractions addition subtraction
Adding and subtracting fractions
Fractions addition subtraction fill in the blanks
In a sum term of fractions, blanks have to be filled in correctly
Fractions multiplication by whole numbers fill blanks
What whole number has be fraction been multiplied with?
Fractions of units of measurement
Identify fractions of area, price, weight, length given in different forms: 1/8, 20%, 0.3.
GCD computation with the Euclidean Algorithm
Compute the GCD step by step with the Euclidian Algorithm.
Insert relational operator
Insert the correct relational symbol between two decimals.
Insert the arithmetic operator
In an equation with two operands, insert the correct arithmetic symbol.
Insert two arithmetic operators
In an equation with three operands, insert two operators.
Inverse proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for an inverse proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
lcm derived via prime factorization
The lcm is to be derived for two given numbers.
Magic triangle with sums to be filled in correctly
In a magic triangle, six numbers have to be filled in correctly.
Mean and median to be determined
For a series of numbers, the mean or median is to be found.
Median and mean - decide which number is which
For two given numbers for a number series, decide which is the median and which is the mean.
Median or mean value - Which one is it?
Decide whether a number is the median or mean of a given series of whole numbers.
Missing elements in unlike fractions
In unlike fractions of the same value, numerators or denominators have to be filled in.
Multiplication of negative and positive numbers
Multiplication of two negative numbers, training the rules for the product's sign.
Multiplication of two natural numbers
Multiplication problems with defined number range
Multiply fractions
Multiply two fractions.
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
A fraction has to multiplied by a whole number.
Negative decimals add and subtract
Negative decimal numbers are to be added and subtracted
Negative whole numbers add and subtract
Negative whole numbers are to be added and subtracted
Negative whole numbers add and subtract choose result
For an addition or subtraction problem with negative numbers, the correct result must be chosen.
Number wall sums of decimal numbers
In a number wall, blanks have to be filled in with decimal numbers.
Order fractions from least to greatest
A series of fractions has to be put in the correct order.
Order numbers according to size
Sort positive and negative decimal numbers and whole numbers by size
Percent base value calculation from base and rate
Percent rate and percentage are given, calculate the rate and fill in the empty box.
Percent calculate missing value
In a percentage term, one of the base, percentage, or percent rate has to be filled in.
Percent rate calculation from base and percentage
Base value and percentage are given, calculate the rate and fill in the empty box.
Percentage calculation
Calculate percentage from base value and rate.
Percentage to fraction
A percentage has to be written in fraction bar notation.
Reduce fractions
A fraction has to be reduced to lowest terms.
Reduce fractions by
Fractions are to be reduced by a given number
Round whole numbers and decimals
Round whole numbers and decimal fractions
Rule of three word problem
Word problems that can be solved by applying the rule of three.
Scaled rectangle: determine original dimensions
A given rectangle must be measured, length and width converted and the area determined.
Subtract numbers in range
Multiple numbers with or without decimal places have to be subtracted.
Table of multiplication problems
Matrix of multiplication problems with whole numbers

Math topic Decimal system

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Decimal fraction divide by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction multiply by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a power of ten.
Number line find midpoint
On a number line, the midpoint between to marks has to be identified.
Percentage to fraction
A percentage has to be written in fraction bar notation.

Math topic Divisibility

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Determine gcd and lcm by comparing multiples & divisors
For two given numbers, the gcd and lcm are determined by comparing lists of multiples or divisors
Factors of a number
For a given number, all factors have to be listed.
GCD computation with the Euclidean Algorithm
Compute the GCD step by step with the Euclidian Algorithm.
lcm derived via prime factorization
The lcm is to be derived for two given numbers.
Prime factorization
Perform the prime factorization for a given number.

Math topic Elementary arithmetic

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Columnar addition of decimal fractions
Columnar addition of multiple decimal fractions.
Continue number sequence add subtract
Find the next numbers in a series
Decimal fraction divide by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction divide by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Decimal fraction division
A decimal fraction has to be divided by another decimal fraction.
Decimal fraction multiply by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction multiply by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a whole number.
Decimal fractions multiplication
Two decimals have to be multiplied.
Direct proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for a direct proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Divide a fraction by a whole number
A fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Divide two fractions
Division of two fractions.
Division of fractions: Fill in the blanks
In a division term of two fractions, blanks have to be filled in.
Double a given number
Double a number with or without decimal places.
Fraction mult factor has to be filled in
Two fractions are multiplied, one fraction and result given.
Fractions addition subtraction
Adding and subtracting fractions
Fractions addition subtraction fill in the blanks
In a sum term of fractions, blanks have to be filled in correctly
Fractions multiplication by whole numbers fill blanks
What whole number has be fraction been multiplied with?
Inverse proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for an inverse proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Magic triangle with sums to be filled in correctly
In a magic triangle, six numbers have to be filled in correctly.
Multiplication of negative and positive numbers
Multiplication of two negative numbers, training the rules for the product's sign.
Multiplication of two natural numbers
Multiplication problems with defined number range
Multiply fractions
Multiply two fractions.
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
A fraction has to multiplied by a whole number.
Negative decimals add and subtract
Negative decimal numbers are to be added and subtracted
Negative whole numbers add and subtract
Negative whole numbers are to be added and subtracted
Negative whole numbers add and subtract choose result
For an addition or subtraction problem with negative numbers, the correct result must be chosen.
Number wall sums of decimal numbers
In a number wall, blanks have to be filled in with decimal numbers.
Subtract numbers in range
Multiple numbers with or without decimal places have to be subtracted.
Table of multiplication problems
Matrix of multiplication problems with whole numbers

Math topic Equations

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Complete equation for given straight line
In a straight line equation for a given line, gaps must be filled in correctly.
Draw a line for a given line equation
A line equation is given, draw the respective line in a coordinate plane.
Solve linear equation
Solve a linear equation step-by-step by performing equivalent transformations.
Solve linear equation with distributive element
Solve a linear equation step-by-step by performing equivalent transformations.
Specify equation to straight line
For a given straight line on a coordinate plane, the corresponding equation must be specified.

Math topic Functions

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Direct proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for a direct proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Draw a line for a given line equation
A line equation is given, draw the respective line in a coordinate plane.
Slope to be derived from given slope triangle
The slope shall be derived from a straight line with a gradient triangle in the coordinate system.
Slope triangle to be drawn for a given line
In a coordinate system with a given straight line a slope triangle is to be drawn.
Specify equation to straight line
For a given straight line on a coordinate plane, the corresponding equation must be specified.

Math topic Geometry

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Add missing line segment name for intercept theorem
In a statement of the intercept theorems the missing line segment name has to be inserted.
Angle bisector construction
Construct the bisector for a given angle using just a compass and a straightedge.
Angle size measurement
Measure the size of a given angle
Angle types
For a given angle, the correct type has to be marked.
Area of a triangle from side and height
The lengths of a side of a triangle and the corrensponding height are given. Calculate the area of the triangle.
Area of triangle draw height and measure
A triangle is given. Draw a height of choice, measure side and height and calculate area.
Area of triangle draw triangle and height and measure
A triangle has to be drawn with given dimensions. Draw a height of choice, measure side and height and calculate area.
Complete equation for given straight line
In a straight line equation for a given line, gaps must be filled in correctly.
Determine line segment length with intercept theorem
In application of the intercept theorem the fourth line segment length is to be calculated from three given lengths.
Draw a line for a given line equation
A line equation is given, draw the respective line in a coordinate plane.
Draw a triangle with given dimensions
Dimensions are given that define triangle. The corresponding triangle has to be drawn and sides and/or angles measured.
Empty coordinate plane for a custom made problem
An empty coordinate raster plane with custom text.
Empty raster
Empty squared free space for custom made problems.
Hexominoes two are the same
Two shapes, similar to cube nets, are the same. Which ones?
Intercept theorem statements right or wrong
Correct statements on the intercept theorems must be identified and marked.
Match angles to angle types
Given angles have to be matched to given types
Perpendicular bisector construction for a line segment
For a given line segment, construct the perpendicular bisector using only a compass and a ruler.
Reflection in a mirror line
For a given shape the mirror image has to be drawn.
Rotate shape by multiples of 90 degrees
A shape has to be rotated by a multiple of 90 degrees.
Scaled rectangle: determine original dimensions
A given rectangle must be measured, length and width converted and the area determined.
Shapes 3d: Match shape and volume or surface formula
Match named or shown three-dimensional geometric shapes to the correct formula for volume or surface area.
Shapes 3d:Values and formulas for surface and volume
For three-dimensional geometric shapes, state the formula for the volume and/or surface area, or calculate these values.
Specify equation to straight line
For a given straight line on a coordinate plane, the corresponding equation must be specified.
Triangle draw circumcircle
The circumcircle and perpendicular bisectors have to be drawn for a given triangle.
Triangle draw incircle
The incircle and angle bisectors have to be drawn for a given triangle.
Triangle label parts
A fully or partly unlabeled triangle is given. The vertices, sides or angles have to be labeled correctly.
Triangle mark centroid
The medians and centroid have to be drawn for a given triangle.
Triangle missing value area, side or height
One of the values area, length of a side or corresponding height of a triangle are given. Determine the missing value.
Triangle sides and perimeter
For a given triangle, the sides and/or perimeter have to be determined.
Triangle: Draw heights, medians and bisectors
Draw heights, medians, angle bisectors or perpendicular bisectors for a triangle.

Math topic Number spaces

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Compare two fractions and tell which one is larger
Insert the correct relational symbol between two fractions
Mean and median to be determined
For a series of numbers, the mean or median is to be found.
Number line find midpoint
On a number line, the midpoint between to marks has to be identified.
Number line match fractions to markers
A number line, markers on the line and fractions are given - match markers to fractions.
Number line match numbers to markers
A number line, markers on the line and numbers are given - match markers to numbers.
Number line tell marked number
On a number line, numbers for marked positions have to be told.
Number line to be drawn for given numbers to be marked
Numbers are given, draw number line and mark positions.
Order fractions from least to greatest
A series of fractions has to be put in the correct order.
Order numbers according to size
Sort positive and negative decimal numbers and whole numbers by size

Math topic Numbers

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Median and mean - decide which number is which
For two given numbers for a number series, decide which is the median and which is the mean.
Median or mean value - Which one is it?
Decide whether a number is the median or mean of a given series of whole numbers.
Negative whole numbers add and subtract
Negative whole numbers are to be added and subtracted
Negative whole numbers add and subtract choose result
For an addition or subtraction problem with negative numbers, the correct result must be chosen.
Number line match numbers to markers
A number line, markers on the line and numbers are given - match markers to numbers.
Number line to be drawn for given numbers to be marked
Numbers are given, draw number line and mark positions.

Math topic Other

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Custom text block
Insert multiple custom text blocks.
Custom text lines
Insert custom text lines.
Empty raster
Empty squared free space for custom made problems.
Free space for your own problem
Generate a block of free space, with an optional headline.

Math topic Percentage & interest

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Fraction to percentage
A fraction is given, write as a percentage.
Fractions of units of measurement
Identify fractions of area, price, weight, length given in different forms: 1/8, 20%, 0.3.
Percent base value calculation from base and rate
Percent rate and percentage are given, calculate the rate and fill in the empty box.
Percent calculate missing value
In a percentage term, one of the base, percentage, or percent rate has to be filled in.
Percent rate calculation from base and percentage
Base value and percentage are given, calculate the rate and fill in the empty box.
Percentage calculation
Calculate percentage from base value and rate.
Percentage to fraction
A percentage has to be written in fraction bar notation.

Math topic Physical Quantities

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Bar chart for multi data set table of values
Create a bar chart for a given table of values with multiple data sets.
Direct proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for a direct proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Fractions of units of measurement
Identify fractions of area, price, weight, length given in different forms: 1/8, 20%, 0.3.
Horizontal bar chart for table of values
Create a bar chart for a given table of values.
Inverse proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for an inverse proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Read vertical bar chart with multiple data sets
Read values from a column chart or vertical bar chart with multiple data sets and create or complete a table of values.
Shapes 3d:Values and formulas for surface and volume
For three-dimensional geometric shapes, state the formula for the volume and/or surface area, or calculate these values.
Table of values from bar chart
Read values from a bar chart and create or complete a table of values.
Table of values from bar chart with multiple data sets
Read values from a bar chart with multiple data sets and create or complete a table of values.
Table of values from column chart
Read values from a column chart or vertical bar chart and create or complete a table of values.
Vertical bar chart for table of values
Create a column diagram or vertical bar chart for a given table of values.
Vertical bar chart for table with multiple data sets
Create a column diagram or vertical bar chart for a given table of values with multiple data sets.

Math topic Planes and figures

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Area of a triangle from side and height
The lengths of a side of a triangle and the corrensponding height are given. Calculate the area of the triangle.
Area of triangle draw height and measure
A triangle is given. Draw a height of choice, measure side and height and calculate area.
Hexominoes two are the same
Two shapes, similar to cube nets, are the same. Which ones?
Triangle missing value area, side or height
One of the values area, length of a side or corresponding height of a triangle are given. Determine the missing value.

Math topic Puzzles

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Add missing line segment name for intercept theorem
In a statement of the intercept theorems the missing line segment name has to be inserted.
Continue number sequence add subtract
Find the next numbers in a series
Examine the elements of binomic formulas
Elements of a binomic formula and their expanded form are grouped in a table. Fill the empty spaces.
Extract binomic formula from term
A binomic formula is hidden in a term. Factor out the binomic formular or extract the summand.
GCD computation with the Euclidean Algorithm
Compute the GCD step by step with the Euclidian Algorithm.
Insert the arithmetic operator
In an equation with two operands, insert the correct arithmetic symbol.
Insert two arithmetic operators
In an equation with three operands, insert two operators.
Intercept theorem statements right or wrong
Correct statements on the intercept theorems must be identified and marked.
Find your way through the labyrinth.
Magic triangle with sums to be filled in correctly
In a magic triangle, six numbers have to be filled in correctly.
Match angles to angle types
Given angles have to be matched to given types

Math topic Rational numbers

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Columnar addition of decimal fractions
Columnar addition of multiple decimal fractions.
Compare two fractions and tell which one is larger
Insert the correct relational symbol between two fractions
Complete equation for given straight line
In a straight line equation for a given line, gaps must be filled in correctly.
Convert fractions to like fractions
Convert multiple fractions to like quantities
Decimal fraction divide by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction divide by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Decimal fraction division
A decimal fraction has to be divided by another decimal fraction.
Decimal fraction multiply by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction multiply by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a whole number.
Decimal fraction to fraction bar notation
Decimals have to be converted to fraction bar notation.
Decimal fractions multiplication
Two decimals have to be multiplied.
Divide a fraction by a whole number
A fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Divide two fractions
Division of two fractions.
Division of fractions: Fill in the blanks
In a division term of two fractions, blanks have to be filled in.
Draw a line for a given line equation
A line equation is given, draw the respective line in a coordinate plane.
Expand fractions by given number
Fractions are to be expanded by a given number
Fraction mult factor has to be filled in
Two fractions are multiplied, one fraction and result given.
Fraction to decimal conversion
A given fraction has to be converted to decimal notation.
Fractions addition subtraction
Adding and subtracting fractions
Fractions addition subtraction fill in the blanks
In a sum term of fractions, blanks have to be filled in correctly
Fractions multiplication by whole numbers fill blanks
What whole number has be fraction been multiplied with?
Insert relational operator
Insert the correct relational symbol between two decimals.
Magic triangle with sums to be filled in correctly
In a magic triangle, six numbers have to be filled in correctly.
Missing elements in unlike fractions
In unlike fractions of the same value, numerators or denominators have to be filled in.
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa
Multiply fractions
Multiply two fractions.
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
A fraction has to multiplied by a whole number.
Negative decimals add and subtract
Negative decimal numbers are to be added and subtracted
Number line find midpoint
On a number line, the midpoint between to marks has to be identified.
Number line match fractions to markers
A number line, markers on the line and fractions are given - match markers to fractions.
Number line match numbers to markers
A number line, markers on the line and numbers are given - match markers to numbers.
Number line tell marked number
On a number line, numbers for marked positions have to be told.
Number line to be drawn for given numbers to be marked
Numbers are given, draw number line and mark positions.
Number wall sums of decimal numbers
In a number wall, blanks have to be filled in with decimal numbers.
Order fractions from least to greatest
A series of fractions has to be put in the correct order.
Order numbers according to size
Sort positive and negative decimal numbers and whole numbers by size
Reduce fractions
A fraction has to be reduced to lowest terms.
Reduce fractions by
Fractions are to be reduced by a given number
Round whole numbers and decimals
Round whole numbers and decimal fractions
Slope to be derived from given slope triangle
The slope shall be derived from a straight line with a gradient triangle in the coordinate system.
Slope triangle to be drawn for a given line
In a coordinate system with a given straight line a slope triangle is to be drawn.
Specify equation to straight line
For a given straight line on a coordinate plane, the corresponding equation must be specified.
Subtract numbers in range
Multiple numbers with or without decimal places have to be subtracted.

Math topic Statistics

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Bar chart for multi data set table of values
Create a bar chart for a given table of values with multiple data sets.
Horizontal bar chart for table of values
Create a bar chart for a given table of values.
Mean and median to be determined
For a series of numbers, the mean or median is to be found.
Median and mean - decide which number is which
For two given numbers for a number series, decide which is the median and which is the mean.
Median or mean value - Which one is it?
Decide whether a number is the median or mean of a given series of whole numbers.
Table of values from bar chart
Read values from a bar chart and create or complete a table of values.
Table of values from bar chart with multiple data sets
Read values from a bar chart with multiple data sets and create or complete a table of values.
Table of values from column chart
Read values from a column chart or vertical bar chart and create or complete a table of values.

Math topic Stochastics

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Mean and median to be determined
For a series of numbers, the mean or median is to be found.
Median and mean - decide which number is which
For two given numbers for a number series, decide which is the median and which is the mean.
Median or mean value - Which one is it?
Decide whether a number is the median or mean of a given series of whole numbers.

Math topic Whole numbers

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Divide a fraction by a whole number
A fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Double a given number
Double a number with or without decimal places.
Factors of a number
For a given number, all factors have to be listed.
Insert the arithmetic operator
In an equation with two operands, insert the correct arithmetic symbol.
Insert two arithmetic operators
In an equation with three operands, insert two operators.
Magic triangle with sums to be filled in correctly
In a magic triangle, six numbers have to be filled in correctly.
Mean and median to be determined
For a series of numbers, the mean or median is to be found.
Median and mean - decide which number is which
For two given numbers for a number series, decide which is the median and which is the mean.
Median or mean value - Which one is it?
Decide whether a number is the median or mean of a given series of whole numbers.
Multiplication of two natural numbers
Multiplication problems with defined number range
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
A fraction has to multiplied by a whole number.
Negative whole numbers add and subtract
Negative whole numbers are to be added and subtracted
Negative whole numbers add and subtract choose result
For an addition or subtraction problem with negative numbers, the correct result must be chosen.
Subtract numbers in range
Multiple numbers with or without decimal places have to be subtracted.
Table of multiplication problems
Matrix of multiplication problems with whole numbers

Math topic Word, story , written problems

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Bar chart for multi data set table of values
Create a bar chart for a given table of values with multiple data sets.
Direct proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for a direct proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Fractions of units of measurement
Identify fractions of area, price, weight, length given in different forms: 1/8, 20%, 0.3.
Horizontal bar chart for table of values
Create a bar chart for a given table of values.
Inverse proportionality - complete table
Apply the rule of three for an inverse proportionality relationship and fill in missing values in a table.
Read vertical bar chart with multiple data sets
Read values from a column chart or vertical bar chart with multiple data sets and create or complete a table of values.
Rule of three word problem
Word problems that can be solved by applying the rule of three.
Table of values from bar chart
Read values from a bar chart and create or complete a table of values.
Table of values from bar chart with multiple data sets
Read values from a bar chart with multiple data sets and create or complete a table of values.
Table of values from column chart
Read values from a column chart or vertical bar chart and create or complete a table of values.
Vertical bar chart for table of values
Create a column diagram or vertical bar chart for a given table of values.
Vertical bar chart for table with multiple data sets
Create a column diagram or vertical bar chart for a given table of values with multiple data sets.

dw-Math worksheet templates for this grade

Binomic formulas: Expand and simplify
This worksheet provides basic exercises to become familiar with the binomic formulas.
Binomic formulas: Advanced applications
Use the binomic formulas to simplify and expand terms.
Label the basic parts of a triangle
This work package is about the basic parts: Vertices, angles and sides.
These informational pages with samples describe math problems that can be combined on custom math worksheets with solutions for home and K-12 school use.
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