Quickname: 1352
Suitable for K-12 grades: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10
Elementary School, Primary School, Junior High School, Middle School, High School, Senior High School.
Find your way through the labyrinth.
Enter and escape the labyrinth by finding a way through the maze of passages.
A labyrinth is shown. The entry and exits are marked with arrows. The way through the labyrinth has to be found and marked.
The size of the labyrinth can be chosen up to 30x30 squares in width and height.The width and height of the labyrinth can be chosen separately.
Two different types of mazes can be chosen from. In the first type of labyrinth, the way through the labyrinth tends to be longer, but it is easier to follow as the dead ends are not very deep. In the second type, the way through the labyrinth tends to be shorter, but the dead ends tend to be very deep and require a lot of backtracking when followed accidentally.
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