Our Top Ten lists
Just in case you are curious, to give you some inspiration, or just for browsing: Here are our Top Ten lists. These lists are created daily from current actual activity of our users.
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Top Ton most popular math problems
These are the problems that are used most to build customized worksheets.
Click the Quickname to go to the detail view page for the problem. You can download sample worksheets and solution sheets for this problem there, too. If you remember the problem's Quickname, you can add it to your own worksheet quickly: in the bottom right corner of the worksheet editor, there is a form field for it.
Columnar addition
Columnar addition of multiple summands.
Columnar addition with blanks
Blanks in columnar addition to be filled in correctly.
Name the 2d geometric shape
Name the two dimensional flat geometric shape shown
Tell the time on a clock face shown
An analog clock is shown. Tell the time!
Triangle label parts
A fully or partly unlabeled triangle is given. The vertices, sides or angles have to be labeled correctly.
Find your way through the labyrinth.
Rule of three word problem
Word problems that can be solved by applying the rule of three.
Name the 3d geometric shape
An oblique sketch of a geometric shape is shown. Name the shape.
Continue number sequence add subtract
Find the next numbers in a series
Match binomic formula to simplified form
Find matching terms of original and simplified binomic formulas in two lists.
The top ten most frequently generated problems
Here at dw-math, math problems are generated automatically according to your needs. This is why all problems look different. These are the problems that our users have been re-generating the most during the last 60 days. This means that there are problems have been added to a worksheet or have been refreshed on existing worksheets frequently..
Click the Quickname to go to the detail view page for the problem. You can download sample worksheets and solution sheets for this problem there, too. If you remember the problem's Quickname, you can add it to your own worksheet quickly: in the bottom right corner of the worksheet editor, there is a form field for it.
Columnar addition
Columnar addition of multiple summands.
Columnar addition with blanks
Blanks in columnar addition to be filled in correctly.
Name the 2d geometric shape
Name the two dimensional flat geometric shape shown
Match binomic formula to simplified form
Find matching terms of original and simplified binomic formulas in two lists.