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Math worksheet template "Binomic2"

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Binomic formulas: Advanced applications


Grade 7


Use the binomic formulas to simplify and expand terms.


This worksheet deals with advanced exercises on binomic formulas. The first task is to use binomic formulas in a simple application to multiply and simplify terms. The second task combines the binomic formulas with other simple terms. In addition to using the binomic formula to expand the binomic formulas when simplifying terms, the other terms must also be integrated to simplify the term. Two further tasks follow, in which the opposite approach is to be taken: A given term contains the multiplied expression of a binomic formula as a partial term. This must be recognized and taken into account in the required factorization. This worksheet concludes with two exercises in which the elements of binomic formulas must be recognised and written down in tabular form. The tables contain various presettings. One table deals with the first two binomic formulas, another with the third binomic formula.


This is what the worksheet will look like. On the left hand side, the problem type is shown with its quickname. On the right, you will see a preview of the problem. This is just a sample, as dw-math will generate a new one when you load the template. Click on the underlined problem name to jump to the problem's detail page. You can download preview worksheets and solution sheets for this problem there. Note that all problem numbers are show as one here, in the worksheet they will be numbered sequentially. The worksheet's header and footer are not shown here.

Expand and simplify binomic formula, advanced

Apply binomic formula expansion rules to simplify term. Advanced version mit multiples of variables as summands.

Quickname: 7517
Simplify term with binomic formula, combine like terms

Simplify a term which contains a binomic formula

Quickname: 1444
Extract binomic formula from term

A binomic formula is hidden in a term. Factor out the binomic formular or extract the summand.

Quickname: 1825
Extract binomic formula from term

A binomic formula is hidden in a term. Factor out the binomic formular or extract the summand.

Quickname: 1825
Examine the elements of binomic formulas

Elements of a binomic formula and their expanded form are grouped in a table. Fill the empty spaces.

Quickname: 7596
Examine the elements of binomic formulas

Elements of a binomic formula and their expanded form are grouped in a table. Fill the empty spaces.

Quickname: 7596

These informational pages with samples describe math problems that can be combined on custom math worksheets with solutions for home and K-12 school use.
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