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All problems tagged Fraction

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Quickname with a link to the detailed view
Add numbers
Numbers with or without decimal places have to be added.
Columnar addition of decimal fractions
Columnar addition of multiple decimal fractions.
Compare two fractions and tell which one is larger
Insert the correct relational symbol between two fractions
Convert fractions to like fractions
Convert multiple fractions to like quantities
Decimal fraction divide by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction divide by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Decimal fraction division
A decimal fraction has to be divided by another decimal fraction.
Decimal fraction multiply by power of 10
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a power of ten.
Decimal fraction multiply by whole number
A decimal fraction has to be multiplied by a whole number.
Decimal fraction to fraction bar notation
Decimals have to be converted to fraction bar notation.
Decimal fractions multiplication
Two decimals have to be multiplied.
Determine shapes with same shaded fraction
In a series of shapes find the two shapes that represent the same fraction.
Divide a fraction by a whole number
A fraction has to be divided by a whole number.
Divide two fractions
Division of two fractions.
Division of fractions: Fill in the blanks
In a division term of two fractions, blanks have to be filled in.
Expand fractions by given number
Fractions are to be expanded by a given number
Fraction mult factor has to be filled in
Two fractions are multiplied, one fraction and result given.
Fraction to decimal conversion
A given fraction has to be converted to decimal notation.
Fraction to percentage
A fraction is given, write as a percentage.
Fractions addition subtraction
Adding and subtracting fractions
Fractions addition subtraction fill in the blanks
In a sum term of fractions, blanks have to be filled in correctly
Fractions multiplication by whole numbers fill blanks
What whole number has be fraction been multiplied with?
Missing elements in unlike fractions
In unlike fractions of the same value, numerators or denominators have to be filled in.
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa
Multiply fractions
Multiply two fractions.
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
A fraction has to multiplied by a whole number.
Negative decimals add and subtract
Negative decimal numbers are to be added and subtracted
Number line match fractions to markers
A number line, markers on the line and fractions are given - match markers to fractions.
Number wall sums of decimal numbers
In a number wall, blanks have to be filled in with decimal numbers.
Order fractions from least to greatest
A series of fractions has to be put in the correct order.
Percentage to fraction
A percentage has to be written in fraction bar notation.
Reduce fractions
A fraction has to be reduced to lowest terms.
Reduce fractions by
Fractions are to be reduced by a given number
Shade given fractions of a shape
An image of s subdivided shape is shown. Shade according to given fraction.
Shade same fractions of different shapes
Shade n/m, 2n/2m, 3n/3m and so on of shapes with increasing number of parts.
Slope to be derived from given slope triangle
The slope shall be derived from a straight line with a gradient triangle in the coordinate system.
Slope triangle to be drawn for a given line
In a coordinate system with a given straight line a slope triangle is to be drawn.
Subtract numbers in range
Multiple numbers with or without decimal places have to be subtracted.
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