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Details for problem "Add and subtract terms with incrementing summand"

Quickname: 5355

Suitable for K-12 grades: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Elementary School, Primary School.


In a series of addition or subtraction terms, one number changes stepwise.


In a series of addition or subtraction terms, one number changes stepwise.<br/>
 (Example for this math problem)


A series of additon or subtraction terms is given, arranged in a column. The first number (first summand or minuend) stays the same, while the second number (second summand or subtrahend) increases or decreases in a single digit position.

The second number is always one digit less in size.

The number of digits of the first (and by that, the second) number is selectable, and so is the number of terms in a series. The stepping direction may be chosen as up for an increasing second number or down for a decreasing one. It can be chosen whether the changing digit is always the first (highest order) one or any digit may be the changing one. In any case, the digit is fixed for each series of terms.

By selection only addition or only subtraction terms will be presented, or a mixture of both. As a simplification, it may be specified that there will be no borrows or carries over the second number's digits.

There is a setting that trap questions may be included, where occasionally, the first number of a term will change, to catch candidates who just write down a plain sequence on the right hand side without reading the task.

Topics: Arithmetic Decimal system Whole Numbers

Tags: Addition Subtraction

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Customization options for this problem

Possible values
Number of problems
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Number a digits
2, 3, 4
Digit changing in b
most significant, any
Mixed, Plus, Minus
Number of rows
2, 3, 4, 5
Trick question
Yes, No
Carry/borrow for b
Never, May, Always
random, ascending, descending

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