Quickname: 2247
Suitable for K-12 grades: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Elementary School, Primary School, Middle School.
In a frames and arrows calculation chain task, the results are to be filled in the blank spaces.
The task here is to enter the results and intermediate results in a frames and arrows style calculation chain with the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The operations to be considered can be selected from:
- Addition and subtraction - Addition, subtraction and multiplication - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
The arithmetic chain is presented as a series of arrow operators, each carrying one of the arithmetic operations. This operation is to be applied to the previous value, i.e. the initial value or an intermediate result. The result is entered in the box at the right arrowhead and is then considered the first operator of the following task.
In the simplest form, only the starting value is given, the subsequent result boxes are empty and must be filled with the correct numbers according to the task. As a variation of this, only the last value, the final result, can be given. In this case, all operations are to be performed in reverse, i.e. in the form of an inverse operation. A combination of these two settings is the option to specify a number in the middle. Thus, the results in the direction towards the end of the chain have to be calculated according to the arrow labels, the results in the direction towards the beginning of the chain according to the inverse operation of the respective arrow label. In addition, mixed forms of these settings can also be selected.
The number space from which all numbers are taken can be chosen. It can also be determined that negative numbers can occur. The length of the calculation chain and thus the number of calculations to be performed per task can be set.
With regard to the arithmetic symbols for multiplication and division, it can be set whether these are represented as a dot and colon or times symbol and obelus.
Topics: Arithmetic Elementary arithmetic Puzzles Whole Numbers
Tags: Addition Division Multiplication Subtraction
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